Controller 80V upto 600A continue improved Vedder VESC® full compatible and all on DiY

ONEmotor full compatible VESC® and Mr. Vedder mark
ONEmotor controller is full compatible with VESC® and Mr. Vedder mark is high current medium voltage controller with small size (170x100x50mm) x 950 grams designed and usable on many other Brushless and DC motors. It runs with the extremely popular VESC® firmware. All IO are protected with TVS diodes.The unit can be powered by USB from a laptop to allow tweaking settings without needing to connect main batteries. Also you can use Wireless connection with the VESC®* Tool mobile App.
Max battery cable length without additional capacitors is 1m (Battery wires MUST be short, thick and grouped together, motor wires should be long. So, in case of use my controller outside ONEmotor project please consider best to place controller near battery with long wires to wherever the motor is located.
Please be careful when programming and tuning the motor.
Start at low currents and increase step by step. Setting everything at max during initial setup is a bad and really dangerous idea. I recommend detecting motors using the FOC motor setup wizard. This will automatically find the correct settings for your motor. If you have problems getting your particular motor setup please contact us and we will do our best to help. If you experience ABS overcurrent faults a lot, then increase your switching speed to 30KHz. Just turning up the abs max current setting is not a good solution as you are only masking the real reason of the problem.
Please note: High voltage LiPo is extremely dangerous if handled
incorrectly. ALWAYS run with a fuse, especially for testing.
continue with metallic POWER PCB need to add 170 x 100 x 40mm Aluminium as extra cooling NOT supplied.
continue with metallic POWER PCB need to add 170 x 100 water cooling system NOT supplied.
0 - 80V -18S or 0 - 100V - 24S
Weight ~950g without wires
Dimensions Overall: 170x100x50mm
IMU (under development)
CANBus (5v max) Voltage filters
2 Layer Logic board 1 Layer Power board 2mm Aluminium PCB.
Wireless for use with VESC®*-
Tool mobile App
Analog input protected by TVS
USB can used to power the logic.
Galvanic Isolated USB protected by TVS and Polyfuse
Controls current to motor irrespective of duty cycle
Duty Cycle
Controls duty cycle sent to motor irrespective of current
RPM control
Controls motor RPM using a PID loop
Power/Motor Connections
-Logic connections (sealed to prevent ingress of debris)
All in one Pico-Clasp locking connector provides all standard interfaces - PPM, CANBus, ADC, UART, Hall sensors, 5v, 3.3v, SPI, Buttons, Encoder, Motor Temperature, SWD Programming. Isolated USB
For use with analogue throttles, supports cruise control and reverse
For PC control using VESC®* Tool applications
For custom applications
Software over current protection
Slow temperature cutoff
Battery voltage cutoff
Adjustable current limits,
Battery and Motor current are independently controlled
Adjustable voltage limits, RPM limits,
Power limits, Duty cycle limits,
Regenerative braking, Throttle curves Ramping time
Real time and Sampled
Data monitoring and graphing
Automatic motor detection and tuning.
Sensorless, Hall Sensors or Encoder
Sensorless, Hall Sensors or Encoder
For driving brushed DC motors on outputs A and C. (Can also be used as a current OR voltage generator)